Clinical use and scientific data of fasciotens®Abdomen
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Publications & clinical data

Front. Surg. 11:1449702 (2024)
Evaluating a novel vertical traction device for early closure in open abdomen management: a consecutive case series
This study is the first to examine the effect of the application of fasciotens®Abdomen on intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). The study concludes that fasciotens®Abdomen is a safe and feasible option for managing OA cases. By promoting early DFC, fasciotens®Abdomen may help reduce complications associated with OA.
- Reduction of IAP from 31 ± 8 mmHg (before OA) to 8.5 ± 2 mmHg after fasciotens application
- Average of 3 ± 1 revisional surgeries
- Reduction in the fascia-to-fascia distance by 76% until definitive fascial closure
- Definitive fascial closure in 6/9 patients

Surgical Technology Int. 44th Edition (2024)
Vertical Mesh-Mediated Fascial Traction and Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: A Case Series of Nine Patients in General and Vascular Surgery
This publication shows the positive outcomes of the standardized combination of vertical mesh-mediated fascial traction (VMMFT) and negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) while following a strict treatment pathway.
- Treatment algorithm for VMMFT in combination with NPWT
- Mean closure time of 6.2 days
- Definitive fascial closure in 7/9 patients (initial mean fascial dehiscence 14.2 cm)
- No treatment-related complications

Surgery Surg Endos 2023; 5(1) Suppl. 2: 62-67
Fasciotens®Abdomen system application for delayed primary fascial closure and observed physiological improvement of the patient
fasciotens®Abdomen was used in a middle-aged patient with severe peritonitis after small bowel perforation.
"Post-installation of the device, rapid improvements in respiratory dynamics, diuresis, stoma output, and hemodynamics were observed within hours, suggesting a profound impact on overall well-being. This cascade of physiological benefits hints at broader implications in optimising patient recovery."
- Overall stabilisation of the patient
- Successful fascial closure after 6 days of using fasciotens
- increased renal output
- improvement of ventilation parameters

Langenbecks Arch Surg 407, 2075–2083 (2022)
Vertical traction device prevents abdominal wall retraction and facilitates early primary fascial closure of septic and non‑septic open abdomen
First retrospective multicenter study on fasciotens®Abdomen showing promising results and demonstrates safety and feasibility of the device.
- 100% successful early closure
- After 48h: Fascial distance significantly reduced
- Mean of 7 days for definitive fascial closure
- 0% mortality
More publications about fasciotens®Abdomen
P. Nguyen, Ramana Balasubramaniam, 2024
AbThera, Botox, and Fasciotens: A Trifecta in Open Abdomen Management
T. Halama, R. Nazzal, T. Nowroth, 2020
Fasziendehnung zum Bauchverschluss nach perforiertem Bauchaortenaneurysma
A. Hees, F. Willeke, 2020
Prevention of Fascial Retraction in the Open Abdomen with Novel Device
Eickhoff, R. et al., 2019
A new device to prevent fascial retraction in the open abdomen – proof of concept in vivo
S. Fung et. al., 2019
Fasciotens© Abdomen ICU: Novel Device Prevents Abominal Wall Retraction and Facilitates Early Abdominal Wall Closure of Septic Open Abdomen